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JSON Serialization ​

Raiqub Enum Utilities makes it easy to customize JSON serialization and deserialization for your enums. By adding [JsonConverterGenerator], the source generator can produce specialized converters that keep JSON I/O aligned with [JsonPropertyName], [EnumMember], or the literal member names.

Example ​

using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

public enum Season
    [EnumMember(Value = "🌱")]

    [EnumMember(Value = "β˜€οΈ")]

    [EnumMember(Value = "πŸ‚")]

    [EnumMember(Value = "β›„")]

Here, [JsonPropertyName("springTime")] takes precedence over [EnumMember] and the literal Spring, so it’s serialized as springTime. Meanwhile, Summer defaults to \u2600\uFE0F (Unicode for β˜€οΈ).

This will generate code on the following classes:

What’s Generated? ​

When you decorate your enum with [JsonConverterGenerator], a class like SeasonJsonConverter is generated at build time. This converter:

  1. Reads from JSON strings or numeric values (if AllowIntegerValues is true).
  2. Writes out members following [JsonPropertyName] β†’ [EnumMember] β†’ the member name.
  3. Integrates seamlessly with System.Text.Json.

Using [JsonPropertyName] and [EnumMember] ​

Because these attributes are recognized by the generated code, your enums can use custom string identifiers in JSON. When both attributes are present, [JsonPropertyName] overrides [EnumMember].

Order of Precedence for Member Names ​

  1. [JsonPropertyName]
  2. [EnumMember]
  3. Literal enum name
  "currentSeason": "springTime"

This "springTime" value maps back to Season.Spring during deserialization.

Example Usage ​

var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { currentSeason = Season.Spring });
// => { "currentSeason": "springTime" }

var obj = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<SomeModel>(json);
// obj.currentSeason == Season.Spring

Generator Custom Options ​

The [JsonConverterGenerator] attribute offers additional settings for your converter:

  • AllowIntegerValues (default: true)

    • Indicates whether integer values are allowed during deserialization.
    • If false, numeric representations are rejected in favor of strings.
  • IgnoreCase (default: false)

    • Specifies whether comparisons ignore case.
    • When true, values like "SpringTime" or "springtime" still deserialize to Season.Spring.
  • DeserializationFailureFallbackValue (default: null)

    • Assigns a fallback enum member if deserialization fails.
    • If not specified, a failure triggers an exception.
    AllowIntegerValues = false,
    IgnoreCase = true,
    DeserializationFailureFallbackValue = (int)Season.Autumn
public enum Season
    // ...

When to Use ​

Consider [JsonConverterGenerator] if you:

  • Prefer zero-reflection or zero-boilerplate solutions.
  • Need to handle custom strings via [JsonPropertyName] or [EnumMember].
  • Want granular control over case sensitivity and integer parsing.
  • Require a fallback value on deserialization errors.

By relying on source-generated JSON converters, you ensure robust, efficient integration with System.Text.Json, allowing your enums to behave precisely as intended.

Released under the MIT License.