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Migration Guide

Key Changes in 2.2

In the version 2.2, extension methods for IDbSession and IDbQuery were added to respective interface contract. And IEntityQueryStrategy interface no longer extends the IQueryStrategy interface.

Key Changes in 2.0

In the version 2.0, the IQueryModel-related interfaces and classes was renamed to IQueryStrategy. These changes are summarized in the table below:

EntityQueryModel<TSource, TResult>EntityQueryStrategy<TSource, TResult>

We chose to rename these interfaces and classes to use the "Strategy" suffix (IQueryStrategy, IEntityQueryStrategy, etc.) to better reflect their purpose. This new naming convention aligns with design patterns like the Strategy Pattern, which emphasizes encapsulating algorithms and making them interchangeable.

It's important to note that the IEntityQueryStrategy interface now extends the IQueryStrategy interface. This hierarchy reflects the relationship between entity-specific query strategies and general query strategies. You can use this inheritance structure to create custom query strategies that build upon the foundation provided by IQueryStrategy.

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